Expert Witness Suport...

Dr. Swaminathan has experience in expert witness work, report preparation; and participated in arbitration hearings and depositions. He has experience in reviewing records and expert witness reports for a given case and providing independent opinion. He has been working on projects with turbine users, repair companies and law firms in failure analysis and turbine design issue related projects requiring expert witness support for litigation and insurance claim related incidents. He has conducted independent root cause failure analysis of several components and prepared expert witness reports for cases involving premature failure of steam and gas turbines. He provided legal depositions and participated in arbitration proceedings. Due to his extensive experience in public speaking and participation in numerous presentations and panel discussions, he has the skills and expertise to be an expert witness in court and arbitration hearings. For more details, please see professional resume of Dr. Swaminathan.

Partial List of Clients on Expert Witness Work:

  • Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering LLP (U.K)

  • Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP (U.K)

  • Davis & Company (Canada)

  • Jones Day Law Firm (USA)

  • Clausen Miller (USA)

  • Andracki Law Offices, P.LLC (USA)

  • Burke and Mayer (USA)

  • Sutherland - Ashbill & Brennan LLP (USA)

  • Cowles and Thompson (USA)

  • The Kettles Law Firm (USA)

  • Law Offices of Marcus M. Baukol (USA)

  • Garza & Lazor, P.C. (USA)

  • American Insurance Group (AIG)